Our Story/ Mision & Vision

Specialist in Digitizing the Customer Dimension of an organization

We believe that the future is digital, and the survival of every organization depends on how they can transform their businesses to adapt to this new era.

Each organization has its own unique challenges and opportunities for transformation. At Silverleap, we help organizations make their business transformation possible. We have a team of experienced and skilled professionals who can understand your unique needs and propose a tailor-made approach for transformation that will help you achieve exponential growth.

Based out of Australia, we have a global pool of talent and we operate across multiple geographies.

Why Silverleap?

We don’t have customer.. We have partners!

We don’t Digitize your business.. We enable your business to be Digital!

We will understand your business and guide you to fundamentally rethink how you offer your services Digitally

We will enable you to adopt our technologies to create value and edge over your competition

We will embrace you as our partner and be a part of your digital journey, keeping your technology up to date


History at a glance


Commenced our journey working with closed-loop payment systems when we used a SIM overlay to enable NFC function on the feature phones for making transit payments.


We built our own closed-loop Automated fare Collection System (AFC)


Incorporation of Silverleap for global expansion


Build a Host Card Emulation (HCE) based transit payment app and were recognized at the Sesame Awards (2015) in Paris, France (Finalist in the category of Transportation) and at Smart Card Awards Asia (2016) in Singapore (Winner, Best BtC payment application)


Became the first company in the world to emulate (HCE) a DESFire EV2 cad in a mobile environment with NXP and RTA of Dubai, UAE.

Filed 3 Patents in the United Kingdom

• IP Title: Method and System for Updating a Contactless Smartcard Over an Unstable Communication Link
• IP Title: Increased security through ephemeral keys for software virtual contactless card in a mobile phone
• IP Title: System and method for ensuring system integrity against, and detection of, rollback attacks for stored value data in mobile devices


Embarked on the development of a -Tokenization and Electronic Wallet platform for the Banks and Finance companies.


Transformed as Digital enabler with strategic partnerships and acquisition of new skills and resources.

Our Team

Meet the team leading Silverleap into the future


Dr. Dhushy Thilaivasan

Founder / CEO, Entrepreneur

Poornima Thilakaratne

Head of Operations

Board of Advisors

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Writi Gosh

Business Consultant

Prof. Nalaka Wickramasinghe

Head of Department

Digitize your customer experience and transform your business